Because I’m in a giving mood (no, no, zip your pants
up, not that kind of giving. That’s your wish list, not mine), I’ve decided to
compile a list of things you could give the woman who obliterated her body to
give your offspring life. Totally nbd. But that’s not all, these items all
have one thing in common; they won’t cost you a single penny.
Here are 9 totally free things you could give us moms:
A trip to the store by myself
I don’t remember what it’s like to maneuver a shopping
cart that doesn’t have hands and legs flailing out of it. Grabbing at snacks on
the shelves like a Gremlin that got sprayed with the produce sprinklers. Sure,
bringing the kids saves us money in the end by ensuring I’m in and out in
record time but, dammit, don’t act like you don’t appreciate that salt rock
lamp I bought last time I was sans children.
Clothes IN the hamper
Not on the floor 2 feet away. Not hanging on the
sides. Not wadded up in little piles like an annoying ass Easter Egg Hunt for adults
that makes my head pulse until it eventually implodes on my sixth “find.”
A toothpaste/hairless sink
I literally do not understand what is so hard about
this one. Brushing your teeth and shaving is not a complicated process. You do
your thang, and then once you’re done, you simply wash the remnants down the
drain. You know, with the contraption that dispenses water directly above said
sink. If you’ve got a particularly pesky dollop of toothpaste or shaving cream,
you can rub your finger on it and I promise you, it will go away. But for some
reason, people insist on letting that shit collect over time like fucking
stalactites. I do not need any more adventure in my cleaning routine. I do not
desire to go spelunking.
A date. Without you
I’m so sorry, I know this sounds terrible. It’s just
that sometimes I drown underneath all this motherdom and spousery. Spending
time by myself or with my closest friends help me to remember who I was. The
version of me that used to unknowingly flash traffic by doing cartwheels in a
dress outside the bar. The version of me that said things other than “tee-tee” “poopoo”
“boogies” “binky” “lovey” “naptime” and “Please stop elbowing Mommy in the tit.”
To take a shower like a normal person
Gone are the days where I could take a leisurely
shower. And I know, I know, spending less time in the shower is good for the
environment and stuff, but just the mindset that I could take a leisurely shower if I wanted to would be heavenly.
Instead, my ears are perked like satellites, ready to pick up on the slightest
scream or cry. Snapping the shower curtain open like a psycho because I thought
I heard something. My hair is dry because I don’t have time to let my
conditioner sit in my hair. And shaving? Yeah right. I could start donating my
leg hair to LuLaRoe for overly priced woolly mammoth leggings.
To have the TV to myself
If I develop a brain tumor, heaven forbid, I’m naming
it Caillou, after the character who likely produced it.
To drink a cup of hot coffee in one sitting
Children have this weird force field in and around
their hands that gets activated by vessels of liquid. How else do you explain
their ability to spill everything?
So, if my cup of jo doesn’t get spilled, the kids employ other
anti-temperature-efficient coffee tactics to ensure my coffee feels like I’m
suckling on a glacier’s teat by the time I get to it. Said tactics include, but
are not limited to: tantrums, shaving the cat, episodes of psychosis, and
general rebellion.
A sister wife
Don’t get me wrong. You’re cool and all, but what I
wouldn’t give for a live-in BFF to braid my hair, give me compliments, watch
movies, bake shit, and drunkenly go through Snapchat filters with. And no, you
can’t have sex with her.
Just ONE good picture
Just one. Just. One. FFS. Or even if Instagram could
create a filter that magically turns back time for a couple seconds since that’s
the exact timeframe it takes for a portrait to go from “picture perfect” to “WTF
is happening right now?”
Also, if you could take a photo of me every once in a
while so I have some documentation that I existed as the Matriarch of this
family, that would be just swell.
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